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The African mango, also known as the bush mango, wild mango, or dika nut, is a tree that grows naturally in tropical West African woodlands. It is Irvingia gabonensis. The African mango tree produces huge, hard seeds together with greenish-yellow skin and fibrous pulp. It is not the same as the common mango (Mangifera indica). The African mango’s pulp and seed are used in traditional West African cooking to make a wide range of foods, such as soups, sauces, juices, wines, jams, jellies, and flavourings. The fruit pulp adds nutrition to the local diets because it is high in carotenoid antioxidants and vitamin C.

African mango hanging on a tree

African mango trees have long been used in traditional medicine; indigenous cultures have long used different sections of the tree for therapeutic purposes. For example, the bark, roots, and leaves (in a paste form) have been used to treat skin conditions like scabs and discomfort. The extract from the giant African mango seed has garnered significant attention in the past few years. The extract’s possible health advantages have been studied. Please be aware that any particular health claims or advantages linked to African mango extract may differ and should be assessed in light of the most recent findings and suggestions from science.


African mango (Irvingia gabonensis) has received little scientific attention, with the majority of published studies funded by supplement producers. Some studies indicate that African mango may have some health benefits, but further research is required to determine the entire range of potential health benefits. Here are a few possible health benefits of African mango:

  • Weight Management: Several studies have been conducted to investigate the potential of African mango extract to aid in weight management. Participants who included African mango seed extract in their regimen showed significant decreases in body weight, waist circumference, and body fat percentage as compared to those who received a placebo in randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials. These results imply that African mango may be useful in aiding people in controlling their weight. Though there are a few suggestions, the precise mechanism by which African mango promotes weight management is not fully understood. The African mango is thought to boost sensations of fullness, according to a popular theory. However, people are less inclined to overeat when they feel full, which can result in a decrease in calorie consumption. Furthermore, African mango extract might affect metabolic processes, which could result in weight loss.
  • Cardiovascular Health: According to scientific studies, taking supplements of African mangoes may improve blood lipid profiles. According to certain research, it may be able to reduce triglyceride and plasma cholesterol levels, two crucial markers of cardiovascular health. The high soluble fibre content of African mangos is one important factor that might be responsible for these advantageous benefits. It is well known that soluble fibre lowers cholesterol. It functions by attaching itself to cholesterol molecules in the intestines and facilitating their excretion from the body, which eventually lowers plasma cholesterol levels. Soluble fibre may also lessen the absorption of cholesterol from the diet, which would further support better lipid profiles.
    benefits of african mango extract: Improve heart health
  • May improve digestion: African mango extract is well known for having a high dietary fibre level, which is essential for maintaining good digestive health. Dietary fibre is essential for preserving regular bowel motions and the gastrointestinal system’s general health. Dietary fibre maintains digestive regularity and helps prevent problems like constipation by encouraging regular, healthy bowel motions. The capacity of dietary fibre to promote sensations of fullness and satiety is another important feature. People who eat foods or supplements high in dietary fibre typically feel satisfied for longer periods of time, which may result in them eating less food overall. This can be especially helpful for people who are trying to control their weight by not overeating.

It’s crucial to remember that there is currently little scientific proof of these advantages, and further study is required to validate them and learn more about the underlying mechanisms. Furthermore, everyone may respond differently to African mango in terms of effectiveness. It is best to speak with a healthcare provider before using African mango as a dietary supplement, especially if you are taking medication or have any underlying medical conditions.


When African mango is consumed, it affects the body through a number of significant systems. African mangoes are important because of their high dietary fibre content, which is essential to their health. This dietary fibre functions as a natural bulking agent that promotes waste movement and helps avoid problems like constipation, supporting regular bowel motions and general gastrointestinal health. Furthermore, the high fibre content encourages sensations of satiety and fullness, which may result in a decrease in calorie intake.

This feature that suppresses hunger can be very helpful for people who are trying to control their weight because it promotes reduced food intake. The soluble fibre content of African mangoes may also help lower cholesterol levels. It lowers the body’s absorption of dietary cholesterol and helps the body eliminate excess cholesterol by binding to cholesterol molecules in the stomach. This may lead to lower levels of triglycerides and cholesterol.

Although the benefits of African mango seem encouraging, more study is required to fully comprehend how the fruit functions in the body and how much it can help. Before using any dietary supplement, as with any other, it’s advisable to consult a healthcare provider, particularly if there are any specific health issues or drugs to consider. People can make educated decisions about adding African mango to their diets and fitness regimens by being aware of how the fruit grows and its possible benefits.


The correct dosage of African mango extract to take depends on a number of parameters, including the supplement’s particular formulation, the user’s age, and general health. It is imperative to stress that recommendations for the dosage of African mango extract should be regarded cautiously, as more thorough research is required to determine exact parameters. Numerous research studies have looked at various dosages, usually between 150 and 350 mg daily, with favourable results on cholesterol levels and weight control. It’s crucial to remember that different people may respond differently to supplements, and that the recommended amount may vary depending on individual circumstances.

African mango extract shouldn’t be included to a person’s diet or supplement regimen without first consulting a healthcare provider or a qualified nutritionist to ensure safety and efficacy. These professionals are able to offer tailored advice according to each person’s particular goals and health profile. To ensure product quality and purity, it’s also critical to select supplements from reliable producers. The suggested dosage listed on the product label should always be followed; taking too much of any supplement might have adverse effects.


  • African Mango Seed Extract 10:1 (Irvingia gabonensis)
  • African Mango Seed Extract 36:1 (Irvingia gabonensis)

African Mango is commonly available as:

  • African Mango Extract capsules
  • African Mango Extract tablets
  • African Mango Extract powder

Glentworth Formulations is here to suit your every need. Everything from Tablets, Capsules and Powder blends.

If you are wanting to know more information, please get in contact with us. Either using the contact form or contacting us directly on: enquiries@glentworthformulations.com.

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