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Psyllium husk is a fibre obtained from the shells of the seeds of the Plantago ovata plant. It’s frequently used as a natural laxative. However, research reveals that psyllium has a variety of health advantages, including those for the heart and pancreas. It can help decrease triglycerides and control blood sugar levels.

Platago Ovate (psyllium husk grown in fields)


The benefits of PSYLLIUM HUSK (Konjac Gum) include:

  • May help digestion: Psyllium husk is a laxative that helps to promote regularity by absorbing water in the intestines and facilitating bowel movements. Without producing an excessive amount of gas, it can help in easing constipation and enhancing overall digestive health. While research on its efficacy in treating illnesses such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and Crohn’s disease has shown mixed findings, psyllium functions as a prebiotic, promoting the growth of good bacteria in the gut and improving immunological function. Additionally, psyllium’s capacity to soften stool can assist treat short-term conditions like constipation and help avoid problems like haemorrhoids and anal fissures when accompanied with proper water consumption. It is best to speak with a healthcare provider as psyllium research develops to ascertain whether it might be advantageous for certain requirements.
     A photo of Stomach in blue background
  • May improve heart health: According to research, soluble fibre like psyllium can help control cholesterol levels, which is crucial for people over 50. According to a study, regular psyllium consumption for at least six weeks had a significant positive impact on lowering cholesterol in overweight people while having few negative effects. For those who are recommended to track their cholesterol, psyllium may be a helpful addition to a low-fat, low-cholesterol diet. Furthermore, a large body of research has shown that dietary fibre, particularly psyllium, can lessen the risk of heart disease by lowering blood pressure, strengthening cholesterol levels, and enhancing cardiac function. A nutritious diet that includes psyllium may help to maintain heart health and lower the risk of cardiovascular problems. Consultation with a healthcare practitioner can provide tailored advice on how to incorporate psyllium into a heart-healthy diet.
  • May aid in weight loss: As a result of psyllium’s capacity to soak up liquid in the body, you may feel more satisfied after eating less. By preventing overeating, this fulfilling effect may aid in weight management. It is advised to speak with a medical expert about the possibility of including psyllium in a weight loss regimen. The benefits of psyllium for weight loss are supported by research. According to a research in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, taking psyllium supplements for six months enabled overweight and obese people to lose a considerable amount of weight. A different study published in the Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology showed that psyllium fibre supplementation boosted feelings of fullness and decreased hunger, which helped people consume fewer calories.

While psyllium may help with weight loss, it’s vital to keep in mind that long-term weight control requires a holistic approach that includes a healthy diet, frequent exercise, and individualised advice from medical specialists.


The high soluble fibre content of psyllium husk makes it effective in the human body. Psyllium husk soaks up water when consumed, forming a gel-like consistency in the digestive system. This gel gives the stool more volume, encouraging regular bowel movements and helping to relieve constipation. Psyllium husk’s gel-like nature also slows down digestion and nutrient absorption, particularly that of carbohydrates and triglycerides. By lowering the absorption of dietary cholesterol, psyllium may improve heart health by regulating blood sugar levels.

Additionally, psyllium husk functions as a prebiotic, feeding the good bacteria in the gut. These microorganisms are essential for sustaining immune system strength and a healthy digestive tract. The capacity of psyllium husk to absorb water and transform it into a gel-like substance also aids in the sensation of satisfaction and fullness. This may enhance attempts to manage weight by encouraging calorie restriction and appetite control. Psyllium husk functions in the body to promote digestive health, heart health, weight management, and general wellbeing.


The optimal dosage of psyllium husk to take may vary depending on a person’s needs and medical situation. Starting with lesser doses and progressively increasing them as needed is advised. According to research, psyllium husk dosages should range from 5 to 10 grammes per day when combined with enough water or other fluids. When eating psyllium husk, it’s essential to drink enough water to avoid choking or stomach pain. However, it is advised to adhere to the dosage guidelines listed on the product box or seek out specific advice from a healthcare provider. Psyllium husk has been shown in studies to have positive benefits on improving bowel movement and enhancing digestive health.

In particular, a study that appeared in the American Journal of Gastroenterology demonstrated that supplementing with psyllium dramatically increased the frequency of stools and enhanced overall bowel function in people who had prolonged constipation. Individual responses to psyllium husk, however, may differ, therefore it’s crucial to consider one’s specific health situation and get advice from a medical practitioner regarding the right dosage.


It is also available as:

  • Psyllium Husk Powder 85% Pure (plantago ovata)
  • Psyllium Husk Powder 95% Pure 40 Mesh (plantago ovata)
  • Psyllium Husk Powder 98% Pure (plantago ovata)
  • Psyllium Husk Powder 99% Pure (plantago ovata)
  • plantago ovata
  • plantago

It is commonly available in:

  • Psyllium husk powder
  • Psyllium husk tablet
  • Psyllium husk capsules

Glentworth Formulations is here to suit your every need. Everything from Tablets, Capsules and Powder blends.

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