Selenium is a mineral present in trace amounts in soil. Water and a few foods naturally contain selenium. Your body just requires a little quantity of this trace mineral. However, ingesting too little or too much selenium might result in harmful side effects and medical issues. Although people only require a very little quantity, selenium is essential to their metabolism.

Here are some of the benefits of Selenium:
- Antioxidant properties: Antioxidants are elements found in meals that stop cell deterioration brought on by free radicals. Free radicals are naturally produced by-products of internal processes including metabolism on a regular basis. Free radicals frequently have a bad name, although they are vital to your health. They carry out crucial tasks, like as keeping your body healthy. According to some research, factors including smoking, drinking, and stress might result in an abundance of free radicals. As a result, healthy cells suffer damage from oxidative stress. Studies have shown that by controlling the levels of free radicals, antioxidants like selenium can minimise oxidative stress.
- May increase immunity: The immune system recognises and fends against possible dangers to keep human body healthy. These consist of viruses, parasitic organisms, and bacteria. As per studies, maintaining the health of the immune system, selenium is crucial. This antioxidant assists human body in reducing oxidative stress, which lowers inflammation and improves immunity. Selenium levels in the blood have been linked to improved immunological response in studies. Deficit, on the other hand, has been demonstrated to impair immune cell activity and may cause a delayed immunological response.
- Aids in thyroid function: Your thyroid gland must have sufficient selenium to operate properly. Compared to other human organs, thyroid tissue has the highest concentration of selenium. The synthesis of thyroid hormones depends on this potent mineral, which also aids in defending the thyroid from oxidative harm. Given that it governs metabolism and growth and development, the thyroid gland is crucial for good health. Selenium deficiency has been linked to thyroid diseases such as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, a form of hypothyroidism in which the thyroid gland is attacked by the body’s own immune system. Before selenium supplementation for those with Hashimoto’s disease can, however, be advised, additional study is required. Before selenium supplementation for those with Hashimoto’s disease can, however, be advised, additional study is required.

Despite the fact that selenium is a powerful mineral with many advantages, more research is still needed to support certain big claims. Before including Selenium into your regular diet, consult your doctor or a trained nutritionist.
Selenium breaks down into several selenoproteins after consumption and metabolism. Numerous internal processes, including immunity, metabolism, and hormone production, depend on these selenoproteins. Selenium may be present in food in both organic and inorganic forms. Selenomethionine, an organic form of selenium, is more easily absorbed than selenate or selenite, which are inorganic forms. Normally, selenomethionine is found in dietary supplements. According to research, selenium has a major antioxidant effect on human health and may be helpful in avoiding diseases including type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and other metabolic disorders.
Selenium is a nutrient that is necessary for all stages of life. This implies that if you want to stay healthy, you need have enough selenium or take supplements. However, caution should be exercised while using selenium supplements. The safety of selenium supplements depends on how you use them. There might be a number of adverse consequences if you take selenium in excessive doses or for an extended period of time. In conclusion, if you ever want to add selenium to your diet or supplement routine, talk to a qualified nutritionist or healthcare professional first, especially if you are on any medications or had a medical history.
Before adopting a supplement, always check with your doctor to be sure that that the ingredient and dosage are suitable for you. Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) are recommendations for daily selenium intake. Based on scientific data, DRIs offer dose recommendations for people of all ages and genders. DRIs exist for essential minerals like selenium. Selenium dosages that are advised are: 55 micrograms per day for men and 55 micrograms per day for females who are 14 years old and older. However, this dosage may alter if you are breastfeeding or pregnant. Again, before taking selenium, talk to your doctor or a nutritionist since taking too much of it might have serious negative effects on your health.
Selenium is also available as:
- Selenium enriched Yeast 2000 ppm Nutrition Grade (~0.2% Se)
- Selenium Glycinate Complex 1% Selenium Nutrition Grade (~1% Se)
- Sodium Selenite Anhydrous Nutrition Grade (~45% Se)
- Sodium Selenite 1% Selenium Nutrition Grade (~1% Se)
- Methylselenocysteine (Selenium) Nutrition Grade (~43% Se)
- L-Selenomethionine
Selenium is commonly available in:
- Selenium tablets
- Selenium capsules
- Selenium liquid
- Selenium oral spray
Glentworth Formulations is here to suit your every need. Everything from Tablets, Capsules and Powder blends.
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